With our extensive range of facilities, additional storage and meeting rooms Shannon Leisure Centre has something to offer for everyone. The Leisure Centre offers extremely good value for money on hall, pool and room hire. Coupled with our very central location we are a safe, secure and friendly location.
Clubs using Shannon Leisure Centre have the additional advantage of availing of our in-house and online advertising and promotion. Parents of kids using our facilities can enjoy a work-out themselves or just relax and chat over a cup of coffee in our new café. Parents also have peace of mind knowing the kids are safe and well looked after by both their club organisers and the professional staff at Shannon Leisure Centre. Extensive CCTV coverage will also give additional peace of mind to parents.
State of the art 3G pitches with shock pad. This 3rd generation sports surface with shock pad allows us to play heavy sports like of Soccer, Rugby, Hurling and Gaelic Football as it acts as a bounce pad or shock resistance layer. The latest technology 3G 60mm all weather artificial grass pitch has all the characteristics of natural grass and meets FIFA, FAI, IRB, IRFU, FA, RFU and RFL accreditations of football and rugby governing bodies of Ireland and the UK.
Shannon Swimming & Leisure Centre Astro Turf Pitches meet FIFA 2* Standard which is recognised as the top spec for Astro Turf pitches around the world.
Pitch 1: 35m x 25m – €50 per hour
Pitch 2: 35m x 25m – €50 per hour
Pitch 3: 50 x 35m – €80 per hour
Suitable for: Soccer, Rugby, Hurling & Gaelic Football
*Off peak 6am – 5pm Weekdays & all day Saturday & Sunday
New to Shannon Leisure Centre is our Café/relaxation area.
This is an ideal location to meet after a workout or for somewhere just to relax and chat over a cup of beautiful Lavazza coffee.
This is the largest of our three halls. The basketball hall is marked out for three badminton/volleyball courts, basketball and soccer. This hall is also ideal for medium- to large-sized groups who require a large floor area.
Main hall hire rates: €36 off peak; €42 during peak times. Contact reception for bookings or download a booking form here.
Dimensions 30 x 18m (540 sqm)
In prime location our 220 sqm Cardio/Resistance Fitness Suite over looks Tír na nÓg Playground, Astro Turf Pitches and our Skate Park. With its increased area we can offer our customers unrivalled fitness opportunities in comfortable surroundings.
Why not call in and have your fitness assessed by one of out qualified and friendly gym instructors today? And check out the variety of classes available in our fitness classes timetable.
Junior Gym for kids aged 13 – 15yrs is weekdays 7:00 – 9:00am & 3:00 – 6:00pm. Junior gym are not permitted to use Free Weights, Olympic Rack or Smith Machine.
If you are lacking a little motivation why not enlist the help of one of our highly qualified staff for some personal training. Full price list can be seen here.
Our Indoor climbing wall has reopened. However due to government COVID-19 restrictions there has been a number of changes. Prior to attending your next session, we would encourage you to read our new climbing wall procedure. Full details of this can be found here
Climbing wall availability
Designed and constructed in 2003 by Temple Makers and part funded by LEADER and the community this state of the art wall boasts 11 separate Belay points.
Each Belay Point offers three equally challenging routes which cater for the novices among us right up to the more proficient.
Shannon Leisure Centre Climbing Wall offers an exciting, challenging and fun way to exercise for kids and adults of all ages.
Climbing courses available. Contact reception for details.
Learn how to
• Put on Harness Correctly
• Tie Knots
• Belaying
• Wall management
• Traversing
• Good Climbing Technique
€60 for 5 lessons or bring a buddy and its 2 for €100
Limited to 8 places
Contact us on 061 361841 for further information
Click the link to see images of or recent climbing competition and re-routing.
Shannon Leisure Centre also run Indoor Climbing Wall Birthday Party’s for kids aged (recommended) 7 – 15yrs. For more details click the link (Currently not available due to COVID-19 restrictions)
The Dance Studio at Shannon Leisure Centre is suitable for any small- to medium-sized groups. The studio has wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling mirrors and is ideal for all dance, aerobics and fitness classes.
Dance Studio costs €25 per hour off peak & €30 peak. Please contact our reception for bookings.
Dimensions 12 x 7.5m (90 sqm)
Our medium hall is the most multi-functional of all the halls. Suited for medium- to large-sized groups, this hall is marked out for one practice badminton/volleyball court and houses our state-of-the-art climbing wall. Bouncing castle parties are also hosted in this hall. Fitness & Dance groups who’s numbers outgrow the Dance studio will find this hall ideal.
Medium Hall Rates: €26 during off peak hours; €32 at peak times. Please contact reception for bookings.
Dimensions 18 x 12m (216 sqm)
Relax and unwind after a hard day in our Sauna & Steam Room. Our newly wood-finished Sauna and extra-large Steam room are the ideal treat for those tired bodies after a long day.
Top 10 health benefits of sauna & steam room use
1. Relieves Stress
This is the number #1 most cited benefit of sauna bathers. Medical studies clearly show stress in our daily lives affects our health. In fact, the vast majority of disease is stress-related. The sauna provides stress relief in a number of ways:
It’s a warm quite space without any distractions.
The heat of the sauna relaxes the body, improves circulation and stimulates the release of endorphins – the body’s natural feel good chemical – providing a wonderful “after sauna glow”.
2. Relaxes Muscles and Soothes Aches and Pains in Muscles and Joints
Under high heat, the body releases endorphins—the body’s naturally produced pain relieving chemical. Endorphins can have a mildand enjoyable tranquilizing effect and the ability to quell the pain of arthritis (and muscle soreness from an intense physical workout).
Body temperature rises from the heat of the sauna, causing blood vessels to dilate and circulation to increase. The increased blood flow accelerates the body’s natural healing process—soothing aches and pains and speeding up of the healing of cuts and bruises.
Following sporting activity, use the heat and steam of a sauna for muscle relaxation by helping to reduce muscle tension and eliminate lactic acid and other toxins.
3. Flushes Toxins
In today’s lifestyles, many of us don’t actively sweat on a daily basis. Deep sweating has multiple health benefits. Regular sauna bathing provides the benefits derived from a deep sweat:
In the heat of a sauna, the cord body temperature begins to rise. The blood vessels dilate, causing increased blood flow. As heat from the blood moves toward the skin surfaces and the core body temperature rises, the body’s nervous system sends signals to the millions of sweat glands covering the body. As the sweat gland are stimulated they produce sweat. Sweat production is primarily for cooling the body, and is composed of 99% water—but deep sweating in a sauna can help reduce levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, mercury and chemicals—all toxins commonly picked up from our environment.
There is no shortage of books from Doctors and practitioners alike touting the benefits of detoxifying our bodies. As many doctors will attest and a big reason for the popularity of saunas in general, saunas are one of the best means to detoxify our bodies.
4. Cleanses Skin
Saunas are one of the oldest and most famous beauty and health treatments for the skin.
When deep sweating occurs, the skin is cleansed and dead skin cells are replaced, keeping your skin in good working condition.
Sweat rinses bacteria out of the epidermal layer and sweat ducts. Cleansing of the pores improves the capillary circulation and gives the skin a soft, beautiful appearance. Dr. Ben H Douglas, a professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and author of “Ageless: Living Younger Longer,” states “Sweating is a way of energizing the skin almost the way exercising a muscle energizes it.” He goes on to explain, when you sweat, the rush of fluid to the skin “bathes skin cells with a liquid rich in nutrients,” which “fills in the spaces around the cells” and even plumps up tiny wrinkles. He says the nutrients and minerals in sweat “are essential to maintaining the collagen structure of the skin.” Thus, bathing your skin in sweat on a regular basis staves off the collagen breakdown that results in wrinkles and sags.
By continually flushing body waste through individual cells, one eventually brings back vitality, tone and a healthy glow to the skin.
Bathing in a sauna is not a cure for acne, but often helps due to the deep cleansing it provides from a deep sweat (cleaning the pores from the inside out).
5. Induces a Deeper sleep
Research shows a deeper sleep can result from sauna use. In addition to the release of endorphins, when body temperature is raises in the late evening, it will fall at bedtime, facilitating sleep. Numerous sauna bathers around the world tout the deep sleep they experience after sauna use.
6. Recreational and Social Benefits
While the social benefit is rarely touted, it should not be trivialized. The sauna can be a private personal retreat or a relaxing environment for socializing with family and friends. The sauna environment is ideal for openness, quite conversation and intimacy.
7. Improves Cardiovascular Performance
In the heat of a sauna, skin heats up and core body temperature rises. In response to the heat, the blood vessels near the skin dilate and cardiac output increases. Medical research shows the heart rate can rise from 60-70/min. to 110-120/min. in the sauna (140-150 with more intensive bathing), and can often sink to below normal after the cooling off stage. With regular sauna use, we not only train our heart muscles and improve the heart rate/cardiac output, but we also positively influence the regulatory system.
Further cardiovascular conditioning occurs when the sauna is taken in multiple “innings”, with sessions in the sauna separated by a cool shower or a dip into a cool pool or lake. Every time you rapidly change temperature (from hot to cool or vice versa), your heart rate increases by as much as 60%–comparable to moderate exercise.
8. Burns Calories
Outlandish claims are often made by some sauna sellers (primarily infrared) to promote saunas as a weight loss tool. While some individuals may experience high amounts of calories burned initially—particularly those individuals in poor shape—over the long term, saunas are simply treated as another tool in our arsenal to burn additional calories.
The sweating process itself takes a lot of energy. That energy is derived from the conversion of fat and carbohydrates in a process that burns up calories. According to the U.S. Army medical research (Ward Dean, M.D.), “A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams in a sauna in a single session, consuming nearly 300 calories in the process.”
The body consumes calories by way of accelerated heart activity (cardiovascular section). As heart activity increases demanding more oxygen, the body converts more calories into energy.
9. Fights Illness
German sauna medical research shows saunas significantly reduced the incidence of colds and influenza. As the body is exposed to a sauna’s heat and steam (traditional), it produces white blood cells more rapidly—which in turn help fight illness and help kill viruses.
Saunas can relieve sinus congestion from colds or allergies—especially when used with steam (add eucalyptus to the water for added benefit and enjoyment). The steam vapor action helps clear up uncomfortable congestion and is a wonderful part of the Finnish sauna experience.
10. Feels Good
A sauna not only feels good, it’s good for you. Whether it’s the physiological changes that occur in the warmth of a sauna, or if it’s simply the time spent in the calm, still retreat of the sauna, all who sauna agree—it feels wonderful! As we go through our daily stressful lives, the sauna provides a pampering retreat—where we can relax and restore body and soul. A sauna truly makes you “Feel Better”, “Look Better” and “Sleep Better”.
The installation of a new Automatic Water System in the Sauna means water no longer needs to be poured over the coals.
Our skate park was made by Rhino Ramps in June 2010. There are six modular elements to the park.
Not long after reopening from extensive renovations in 2010 we recognised that due to the popularity of Shannon Swimming & Leisure Centre and the growing demand for free weight training there was a need for a separate space specifically for performance training. Discussions took place in early 2013 with Clare Local Development Company about our ambitious project. With their assistance we were able to open a State of the Art 100 sqm Strength & Conditioning Gym to compliment our Cardio/Resistance Gym in December of that year
Fitness equipment was supplied by industry leaders Cybex International & Jordan Fitness
Main Pool: 25-m long & 5 lanes wide, heated to a comfortable 28.5 degrees.
Baby Pool: Heated to a toasty 31.5 degrees. perfect for the little ones.
Pool timetable is subject to change. Please contact reception for any updates.
Pool rental:
Tír Na nÓg Playground is Shannon’s only soft flooring community play area. Rubber surfacing ensures children can play in a safe and secure environment. With over 12 pieces of equipment to choose from, kids never want to leave.
Check out our Gallery for images! Equipment is suitable for the use of children up to the age of 12yrs.
Summer Time
Winter Time
*Bank Holidays are same opening hours as weekends.
Closed Christmas Day & New Years Day
For more information please contact Shannon Swimming & Leisure Centre on 061 361841
Acupuncture is part of a treatment known as Chinese Medicine. It combines with other
treatments such as herbs, tuina (Chinese massage), exercise and diet. Acupuncture
dates back at least 2000 years or more and still survives to this very day.
Acupunctures clinical diagnosis is gathered from a case history with the patient to
determine the causes affecting the body while also inspecting the pulse and tongue
diagnosis to confirm what the case has told us.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting fine needles into points of the body, that are
located and linked on the channels or meridians on the body where energy (QI) flows.
When the body becomes unhealthy or injured the balance of the body is off, which could
be blocked, deficient or having an excess syndrome. The points are carefully chosen by
the practitioner in order to disperse any blockages and bring qi into a better balance to
maintain a healthier wellbeing.
How can acupuncture help you?
Chinese medical treatment is different from western medicine. A western medicine
practitioners concentrate usually on diagnosing your outward signs and symptoms. Where
as in the acupuncture practitioner recognises that all problems, big or small have an
underlying cause. The aim is to find the root of the cause and help alleviate your
presenting condition.
Acupuncture is one of the fasting growing, popular complementary therapies in the west.
While it is a holistic therapy, it can treat and benefit a large range of different conditions
that manifest, i.e. physically, mentally and spiritually.
• Musculoskeletal: Back Pain, Sports Injuries, Arthritis, Belly Palsy, Sciatica.
• Psychological: Depression, Stress, Insomnia, Anxiety, Pain Management.
• Internal conditions: Asthma, Cough, Indigestion, Bowel Issues, Headaches, Migraines.
• Genitourinary/Gynecology: Infertility, Impotence, Menstrual Problems, Menopause.
Acupuncture is a natural way to heal and help rebalanced the body, clear the mind,
improve health and wellbeing. It’s safe, effective and carried out by a licenced practitioner,
who is a registered member of the acupuncture council of Ireland.
So; what’s stopping you from getting acupuncture?
Book your appointment now with sunrise acupuncture therapy via Facebook, Instagram
or alternatively call Cliff at 0857212027
Rí Therapy offers an extensive range of bodywork treatments that:
Treatments are tailored to the specific needs of each individual using a combination of specialized techniques including:
Rí Therapy is also registered as a ANMT and IMTA member, which allows Clients with Laya or Irish Life Health insurance to reclaim part cost of their treatment in line with their policy.
To book an appointment at Rí Therapy, please contact Aoife on 0873630806